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Cyberpunk Saga Resources 


History of the
Cyberpunk Saga world

  • Xuefeng Robotics created automatons called drudges which are cheap enough to replace human labor in many sectors.

  • In an increasingly automated world, humans begin to get cybernetic augments to compete for jobs with the drudges.

  • Conventional physics defied, interstellar travel begins in earnest.

  • Habitable planets were discovered, Dyeus Industries begins colonizing space.

    • Colonists starts to experiment with Accelerated Evolution Bioengineering to help adapt to life on distant planets.

  • Earth’s population reaches a critical mass and starvation gives way to riots.

  • ThutoCo researchers genetically modify a weather resistant plant which can, “feed the world and restore a healthy planet.”

  • The plant is quickly nicknamed “prophet root” or “P root” for short.


  • Many crops are replaced around the world with the fields of prophet root.

  • New, higher yield strains were rushed to market without governmental oversight..

  • A strange fungus grows on the unchecked plant.

  • The Great Pandemic (more information to come, stay tuned):

    • The fungi infect farmers

    • Companies scrabble to find a cure

    • Cities erect walls to keep out the infected, many fall

    • Massive quarantines lead to the rise of digital education and lifestyles 

    • National governments are blamed and fall as well, giving way to powerful city-states.

  • Though claiming to be unable to cure the disease, ThutoCo unveils a spray which could stem the spread of the fungus and it’s aerosolized counterparts. They simultaneously announce a method for treating the infected plants to make it viable for human consumption once again. ThutoCo begins buying up land owned by surviving farmers hoping to make a life for themselves in the cities, as well as surrounding land previously claimed by national governments.

  • As chaos engulfs the planet, the colonists on other planets begin revolting and working together to break free of their corporate rule.

  • Back on earth, much of the planet’s population has been decimated and vast, walled in mega cities are all which remain- run by mayors funded by corporations and inflated taxes.

  • The Carcer Corporation is hired to police the bloated cities and outlying lands.

  • ThutoCo erected fields of misters to keep the cities safe from the spread of infection.

  • As the land outside the cities is deemed unlivable, the companies begin establishing farms of crops and solar panels which can be tended by drudges operated remotely.

  • Burbs, large corporate housing structures were built within the city walls for refugees who took jobs from the remaining companies.

  • ThutoCo’s president formed a clandestine organization with the planet’s other largest companies to work together to control the world’s wealth. They deemed this group the Amalgamated Interests Council.   

  • In western North America, land disputes became a problem for ThutoCo. Andreas City had given land claims to one of ThutoCo’s rivals and the company was not pleased. ThutoCo convinced the new mayor of B.A. City that a war with Andreas would be in both their interests: the company would build more Burbs to accommodate some of the city’s new population as a draft would help to cull some of the citizens.

  • B.A. City declared war on Andreas and, with the backing of ThutoCo, were victorious- though many lives were lost. ThutoCo was given the rights to all of the newly conquered land, cementing their stranglehold on the coast.

  • The Amalgamated Interests Council then set about making peace with the colonists (who had formed companies of their own), much to the chagrin of Dyeus.

  • The peace meant trade could resume between earth and off-world, though piracy was commonplace. The trade made the companies all the richer as new minerals and materials were shipped to the earth in exchange for crops and spices.

  • Occasional wars broke out between cities and companies but life on earth was mostly quiet.

  • The rich grew richer as the citizens of earth grew more poor and desperate.


  • AIC (Amalgamated Interests Council): An illuminati of business owners working together to control planet earth for profit.

  • Atheletiskyn: A Dermidos (under D) brand suit to be worn during exercise to monitor all vital signs.

  • Audon: German luxury car manufacturer.

  • B.A. City: Northern California megacity.

  • The Betweens: A colloquialism for the space between the cities. 

  • Bovidae Biotechnics: South African cattle producer.

  • Breaker: Hacker

  • Bub: Slur for someone who grew up in a burb.

  • Burb: Corporate apartment structures where employees can work from home and have all their needs met.

  • BurbSec: Burb security.

  • BurbSec Zetas: ThutoCo’s corporate military.

  • Carcer Corporation: Private military force used by many cities as a police force.

  • Carcer City: A prison city run by the Carcer Corporation. There are several such cities.

  • CerebralSync: Brainwave controlled digital experiences.

  • Comph: The largest clothing brand in the world.

  • Conka: Popular slot machine style gambling device.

  • Crassun Emergency Services: For-hire fire and emergency medical treatment with additional at cost transportation to your nearest hospital. They also do corpse removal.

  • Cybermesh: Digital fabric.

  • D2E: Internet provider and entertainment company.

  • Dermidos: An electronic full-body suit with many features from cloaking to temperature control depending on the model.

  • DigPlate: Optical enhancement device that replaces an eye with a computer.

  • DLI: ThutoCo company currency.

  • Dronepack: A dangerous and illegal form of personal transportation- a metal backpack that can move operators via flight.

  • Drudge: A robot with vaguely human shape manufactured and sold by Xuefeng Technologies.

  • Dyeus Industries: Company that established the first off-world colonies.

  • Esodo Automotive: Italian flighted car manufacturer.

  • Fibermail: A strong, bullet resistant mesh worn under armor plating.

  • Foddier: Food synthesizer.

  • Graymaker: Electronics dampening device.

  • Great Black: Outer space.

  • The Great Pandemic: A period of disease that killed much of the human population and forced people into walled-off megacities.

  • Gro4All: Vat meat producer

  • HackAd: Digital advertisement that utilizes neural implant to advertise directly to the brain.

  • Hex: Individual apartment within a burb housing unit.

  • HoloAds: Holographic advertisements.

  • Holoprojector: Machine that projects holograms.

  • Hoplite Motorcycle Club (MC): A worldwide ‘one-percenter’ gang whose members typically ride motorcycles.

  • Kingfisher Munitions: Electronic weapon manufacturer.

  • Legion Motorcycle Club (MC): A worldwide ‘one-percenter’ gang whose members typically ride motorcycles.

  • Lenscreen: Digital contact lens.

  • Levitengine: Thruster on flighted vehicle.

  • The Mass Illusion: The most popular virtual reality

  • Miners Football Club (FC): The premier soccer team of B.A. City.

  • Neo Dark Age: A time of economic and government collapse that followed the Great Pandemic.

  • NeoVerge Industries: Company formed by off-world rebels after breaking with Dyeus.

  • The Night Crystal: Carcer Corporation headquarters in B.A. City.

  • Opperistic Wealth Network: The largest international bank.

  • Palmscreen: A touchscreen-based smart devise cybernetically sewn to a user’s palm.

  • Pristiners: A sect of people who believe the human body should not be augmented.

  • Prophet Root (“P-Root”): Genetically engineered plant whose root can be processed into food, stalked and leaves into materials and helps to restore the environment.

  • Quix Fix: Chain of 24-hour urgent care facilities 

  • REGNAD display: In-helmet digital display for security officials.

  • Relief Aide: Humanoid robots (manufactured by Atsuko AndroiTech) used for pleasure by humans.

  • RENTec Building Associates: Large building ownership group.

  • RePurp Industries: Salvage company that uses pieces scrounged from the world outside the major cities.

  • Rises: B.A. City neighborhood where all the businesses were built out on platforms that jut out from the sides of former apartments.

  • Scuba: Nomadic raiders who live outside the city walls. So named for the breathing apparatus they wear.

  • SeaDome: ThutoCo vacation complex.

  • Smartshades: Sunglasses with cellular and mobile computing functions.

  • Suggi-O’s: A synthetic sugar based meal in a can for children.

  • Teotl Coffee: An American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves headquartered in B.A. City

  • Thermaskyn: A Dermidos (under D) brand suit to be worn during exercise to monitor all vital signs.

  • ThutoCo Bioengineering: Company that provides electricity and genetically modified crops.

  • Tomar LTD: Mexican food manufacturer.

  • Vat Food: Laboratory grown food products.

  • Wall Burg: B.A. City neighborhood which abuts the wall around the city. 

  • Warden: Carcer Corp senior officer. Permitted to collect Carcer bounties.

  • Xuefeng Technologies: Chinese drudge manufacturer.

© 2019 by Matthew A. Goodwin

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